On Money, Work, and Privilege + New Pricing Structure for Thoughtful Readers Gatherings

Launching the Thoughtful Readers Gatherings has been a journey regarding money and work and what to charge people and what to give away and I’ve pretty much landed on accepting that my expenses will always be greater than my income. I have grown so weary of trying to figure out ways to break even or convince more people my work can benefit them. I’d just rather operate at a loss, do the writing and work I love, and have more time and energy for the writing and work I love. I’d rather be inefficient.

And now I’ve decided that the paid option for the Thoughtful Readers Gatherings will just be the cost of the featured book plus tax. For those who paid $45 for a Thoughtful Readers Gathering (or two or three), I’ll be in touch to give you a partial refund. I appreciate your support and your desire to pay me for my work. It may take me a few days to contact everyone and to make all of the updates online for future Thoughtful Readers Gatherings. Please contact me if you have any questions in the meantime. Onward.

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