On Money, Work, and Privilege + New Pricing Structure for Thoughtful Readers Gatherings

If I needed to make a profit from the work I do, I’d quit doing everything except my one-on-one spiritual direction practice. And I’d add back in freelance copywriting for businesses, work I used to do that’s way more profitable than the work I do now.

Because my husband’s income supports our family and covers the gap between my work’s expenses and income, I don’t have to make a profit. I am in a privileged position to get to do the work I love without needing to make a profit and I don’t take this privilege lightly.

In a perfect world, all of us would be paid what we’re worth. But this world is far from perfect, and the masses don’t value the work I do. It’s fine. I would probably be worried if the masses approved, to be honest.

Launching the Thoughtful Readers Gatherings has been a journey regarding money and work and what to charge people and what to give away and I’ve pretty much landed on accepting that my expenses will always be greater than my income. I have grown so weary of trying to figure out ways to break even or convince more people my work can benefit them. I’d just rather operate at a loss, do the writing and work I love, and have more time and energy for the writing and work I love. I’d rather be inefficient.

And now I’ve decided that the paid option for the Thoughtful Readers Gatherings will just be the cost of the featured book. For those who paid $45 for a Thoughtful Readers Gathering (or two or three), I’ll be in touch to give you a partial refund. I appreciate your support and your desire to pay me for my work. It may take me a few days to contact everyone and to make all of the updates online for future Thoughtful Readers Gatherings. Please contact me if you have any questions in the meantime.

I do good work. I offer nourishing services. I host lovely retreats and gatherings that help people feel less alone and more alive. I help people move closer to the writing life they want, the life I want.

But for me and my work, I’m a proponent of increasing access to everything I host and offer while decreasing worry about money. I do not expect or require anyone else to make this same decision. 

I will still pay guest retreat and workshop speakers and facilitators because I’m also a proponent of paying people for their work.

I will still purchase and pre-order way more books for the Thoughtful Readers Gatherings than I will ever sell while committing to not returning the books to the distributor. I will donate books to prisons and non-profits. I will find readers for these books.

If making a profit was my goal, I wouldn’t do this work. For 2024, I’m willing to operate my business at a loss and have greater access to the things I offer through low prices and free options. My circumstances may change. I might have to bring in more income or reduce expenses in the future. 

And, if you want to see what the Thoughtful Readers Gatherings are all about, here’s a recap of last night’s Thoughtful Readers Gathering with Cole Arthur Riley, including full access to the recording and everything registered participants received. Each gathering will be a bit different and more suited to the featured book and author, but this is the general vibe. (See? I told you I’m good at what I do. This is me practicing what Cole Arthur Riley calls Sacred Arrogance.)

If you’d like to come to a future Thoughtful Readers Gathering, here’s the full list. And we just added a gathering with Maggie Smith celebrating her new children’s book, My Thoughts Have Wings. Free and paid registration options will be available once we nail down the date and details.

And if you’re interested in other offerings, you can learn more about upcoming events and gatherings here.

If you’d like to purchase books through my Bookshop.org site, you can do that here.

And if you’d like to learn more about my writing and work in general, go here and you can learn about Spiritual Direction for Writers® here.

Much love to everyone who cares about the intersection of art and faith. Much love to all who give me opportunities to do the writing and other work I do. It truly is an honor to do this work. I’m one lucky woman.